I am so excited about this upcoming weekend.  First of all, it makes one year until our wedding.  I can finally stop saying "oh it is over a year until we get married".  Secondly, we are heading home to Wisconsin this weekend.  We will be having our engagement pictures taken on Friday.  I am so excited.   I love our photographer so I am so happy he is taking our pictures.  I think it will be nice for Joel to meet the photographer before the wedding day.  Joel likes to be a goof in pictures!  And the fun times continue with a good old Wisconsin Engagement Party on Saturday.  This is going to be a blast.  A party with brats and beer!  I will have tons of pictures (or I hope) from the day so they will get posted somewhere.  I am so lucky to have such

I packed up all that I could for our trip to Wisconsin.  I wish I could attach the picture of the two rubbermaid container and a box that will be stored at my mom's house.  I clearly labeled each one so I know what is in it and where it goes, Ceremony or Reception.  I just hope they fit in the car on the trip home!

I have four options for the outside of the pocketfold invites.  I sent an email to both mothers to get their opinion.  I don't mind that I am creating more work, I just want to have an invite that is different and is different from anyone I know.

Joel, FI, decided he wants a 4 button tux.  He wants very little of his shirt showing.  Hopefully when we are home, we can pick out the tux.  I am glad he has given me his imput.
We had a very exciting Friday night this weekend!  I printed all 150 invitations.  Joel helped me finalize the font.  It was nice to get his imput on things.  It actually was a lot faster and easier than I thought it would be.

Saturday was a day of little tasks.  I got all the hoodies washed so they are ready for their bling.  I did some reading on how to make bracelets.  I am still scared to start my bracelet.  I know it is not that hard but it is something new I have never done.  I really need to find a class around here to get me over the fear. 

Saturday night Joel taped the back of the invites so I could put them in the pocket card.  We had our assembly line and it took no time to get all the invites done.  It was so nice of him to help out with the assembly.

We are all in agreement of how to decorate the pews at the church.  I have posted the idea under ceremony.  Many Knotties gave me a great idea of using chair sashes.  It was a great idea.  I will be ordering light blue and ivory chair sashes.  I might order some demask partnered ones but not sure.  I might have to get a few opinions on that one.

Happy Mother's Day.  Joel took me out to dinner to celebrate since I am a furbaby mom!
I knew it would be a random shopping adventure that I would find the hoodies for the day of prep.  I want a white hoodie and all my girls in black (since their dresses are black).  I wanted something that would be comfortable.  Found it!  Shopping at Sam's Club at lunch.  I found short sleeve zip up hoodies.  I got one for myself in white and one for each of the girls.  I thought it would be a fun picture with us all in our hoodies.  I have iron on "bridesmaid", "Bride" and "Maid of Honor" to put somewhere on them.  I will need to find a little hoodie as it gets closer to Izzy's size.  I want her to have one that says Flower girl.  One more project for this weekend.
Table numbers are complete. Check.
Bridesmaids personalized hangers are done. Check!

I had fun figuring out the personalized hangers.  I had to use two different wire since there was one hard name to do with the tricker wire.  I hope the girls like them.

I may start printing invites tonight...It is a big step.